Page name: the country of shadows [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-22 10:24:19
Last author: Deadlock jester
Owner: Deadlock jester
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2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: yeah, i shouldn't have questioned you

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Something tell s me you do not believe me

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: i do believe you

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: (midnight)

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: You dont !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: yes i do. is there any way i can prove i do?

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: no but I no I sense it !!!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: for once, you are wrong, i do believe you, i really do

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: I a vampire, is never wrong !!!!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: perhaps what you it is you sense is blocked with me, i live my life hiding my feelings, so perhaps it is mixed up

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: hmp

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: I believe everything you say, so why wouldn't i believe you now

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: I dont no !!!!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: please believe me...i don't lie to you

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *Laughs* Fool *morths into vampire* raaaaahh !!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: do as you please to me..

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *folds arms and laughs* Why waste time !!

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: true..*scratches his ear*

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *Jumps onto a roof*

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: *watches it*you going?

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Maybe *looks at moon* hmhmhm

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: *stands up* i should really be making money now, but i'd rather stay with you..

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: You can go I am going to watch the moon *points to it* Its my life source of a Vampire you see

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: hehehe, your source of life is my way of life...

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: what ???? *cofused*

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: the moon is what i need to survive, when it shines, i go out to *caughs* make money

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Money.........hmmmm......indeed.....*smiles* stupid stuff...that is

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: <img:>And Me By Night....Sad and confused.....A vampire in waiting to Morth....

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *appears from the shadows* Hello *looks up at the moon*

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Hiya *Smiles*

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I never catched you're name

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Jenny........the temple of Ye my home

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I am Torka

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Cool......*Jumps down from the roof and morths back into human form* so how are you ?

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: I am.....fine *his bloodless lips from a smile, he looks at you*

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: And you....soulmate?

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *smiles to* I am ok

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *Morths back into vampire and stares at the moon again*

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *stands next to you, looking at the moon*

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: Its interesting aint it....

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *Grins evily* hmhmhmhm...........

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: Yes...quite

2005-03-26 [Summoner Candy]: *Laughs*

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: Why laughing?

2005-03-26 [Fujiwara Taiki]: *strokes you're chin* Beautiful vampire

2005-03-26 [Deadlock jester]: *walks out of the shadows, blood all over his cloack* want some good blood?

2005-03-26 [Unknown one]: *a stranger arrives, his boots making little sound on the ground, walking slowly*

2005-03-26 [Unknown one]: *he looks not directly at anybody, but looks downwards*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: greetings wanderer, what bussiness brought you here?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *comes to the square, his body covered in red and purple blood, one of his eyes stabbed out, he spits some blood and speaks* hey

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *he runs over to you* What happended?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at the unknown one* the world has gone bad, fights happen.

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *grabs some bandages out of one of his pouches, starts wrapping it over you're missing eye*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *sits up straight* you can leave it as it is, let the maggots take care of it

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Are you crazy? You will die

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *makes a strange wheezing sound* no i won't, it's just a fleshwound

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: You lost yer eye!

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: no i didn't*puts his hand in his cloack and searches for something. after 15 seconds he retreats his hand and shows a bloody eye to unknown one* see

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *staggers back* Wich devil did this?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: no devil, blade...some guys taught i might have somehting usefull....

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *shows a golden blade and looks at it himself* they must have been very rich carying this kind of stuff, to bad they can't use it in the afterlife

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *he fiddles true his pouches, takes out a bottle wich is wrapped in a hide* Here, drink this

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *holds back the potion, looks at you narroweyed* You killed them?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *sniffs the bottle* what is it? i don't trust you..

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Why did you kill them? Why diden't you just ran?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: yeah right...

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: Hello

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *stands up* You could have ran

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *looks to the female* greetings, how are you this day?

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: fine

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *he looks over his shoulder to the woman* hello...

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *smiles*good

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: Greeting Unknown one....yes it is

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *mumbles some words* "May...soul....find..."

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *drinks from the bottle* i hope it ain't poison

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Hello, miss...

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *grbas the bottle from him, before he drinks it, puts a kurk on it, tugs it in his pouch* This is not intended for you anymore

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *smiles* Galin who is your friend ?

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: You have bad blood on you, it would mean certain death to drink this now

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *scans the one that helped him* dunno yet, he is new to this place

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: well he seems very nice

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: yeah, i just hope he ain't to nice

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: hmmm.....indeed

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: What do you mean?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: people who are to good die here

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *looks over at the human lady*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: I see...

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *smiles at Unknown one* I am no human

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: I am not here to fight or die, I am here to help and live

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: You have something wrapped over you, you have a disguise on

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: yet, fights are almost inevitable down here...exept for in the church that is

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: A veil hangs over you, something strange

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *looks at the lady*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: I am human now but can morth into a Vampire but I cant right now as I would burn in direct daylight

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: and we don't want that....i'm not beeing sarcastic

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: A vampire.....*takes out one of his blades, the blade has some simple runes on it*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: and what do you think your doing?*readys his hand to scratch the newcomer*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Keep quiet rat, this here is a vampire, it will gladly tear open you're troat, just for the sheer joy of it

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *Jumps into the shadows then morths into vampire* (Is hidden)

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Ooh, I love this *reaches in one of his pouches, takes out some goggles, he puts the goggles on, they shine green*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *unsheats the repeating handcrossbow wich is strapped to his leg*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: I would like it if she did it, it would be a release* jumps up, puts one of his razorsharp nails under the chin of unknown one* so why don't you keep quiet yourself and put down the blade...and all your other toys

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *Charges out of the Shadows at Unknown one* *Looks at the sun* arrrggg *goes for Unknown one'S NECK*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *keeps up his chin, speaks softly, he sheats his handcrossbow* Why are you interfering rat?

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Oh crap *goes backwards hard with his head, hitting the rats nose, then ducks, hoping his troat won't be slit open by any of the two*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *grabs onto Unknown one with very long claws and digs them in his shoulders* he he *goes for his neck*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *winks* 'cause i'm a rat*pierces a small wound in the skin of unknown one*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: Aaargh *with the hand free from the handcrossbow, he grabs his dagger and pierces it in the vampires stomach*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *pulls a grappling hook with a strange mechanism, shoots it to one of the roofs and dissapears behind it*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *falls to the floor trying to pull the dagger out*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *his face is filled of pain of the vampires sharp nails in his shoulders, his sword droppes because of the pain in his arms too*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *3 arrows, dripping with poison fly towards the back of the humanlike creature*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *pulls out the dagger and with the other hand heals the wound* he he I have so many secrets you wont win fool !! ha aha ha ha *stands up and strikes the Unknown one*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: You shall not live today *while the vampire is on her knee's on the ground, he kicks her head like you would kick a football, letting her fall on her back*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *jumps up from the floor* you dont get it do you ha ah ha well being dumb is goin to kill you !!!! *jumps on a roof and raises hands so they are facingt he sun*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *The arrows hit him, right in his back, he moans, looks backwards, grabs his handcrossbow in a reflex and shoots a hail of bolts at the direction the arrows came from*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *leaps from the shadows, smiling, with an high amount of sarcasm in his voice, he speaks* most vampires are dead.*draws daggers and attacks unknown one, creating a rat-fence between the two*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *While he turns around, he also falls on the ground*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: don't mess with a shadowdancer boy...the poison will not kill you, it will just paralize you, your muscles, not your nerves, so you will stil feel

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *closes eyes Earth and fire give me my desire raaah !!!! *ball of flames appears in hands it is gigantic* galin move out the way !!!!

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *while he falls, he grabs his shortsword, hurling it at the rat, but the rat can not see it coming because of the cloak wich covers his attack until the last second*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *the sword hits him against his blind side, making him to fall over, clearing path for the vampire*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *rages and then throws the ball towards Unknown one* *screams* Galin move away your still to near *swoops down and grabs Galin and glides into the air*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *His face is full of shock when he see's the vampire with her fireball ready, he fiddles with a round artifact tugged at his belt*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *the human yells out* Elune shine bright tonight!!!! *the fireball hits him and a giant explosion follows, the area is filled with smoke*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ....stupid cloack

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *holds galin by the back of his shirt hovering in the air*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((shoudlent you normally be dead now? cuz you're a vampire??))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at the smoke* much smoke

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: (I am dead already stupid !!!!) *Hovers down to the ground*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((...I mean dead, like in vampire dead!))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((you body resolves and you are gone!))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: (I am not no ordinary Vampire you see but I aint telling you why because you could possibly if you have brains could learn my weakness so there)

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((tought this was a d&d roleplay wiki))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: (Unknown one are you dead ?)

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at fairy* you can put me down now, but he's still here, i can see him..infravision

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *Drops to the ground and places Galin on the floor*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((the only vampire wich dosent resolve in the sunligth are half vampires, but they can't morph or have very sharp nails, or levitate that much))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((this is gonna be a dnd like wiki, but i still have to do some things for that))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: (I am not like that now !!! I have learnt to staya while in sunlight) Right I no you are there so I will tell you why I am different *holds out a blood red stone (crystal) my life source without this I am ordinary

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((vampires are gonna go dnd style too...when i'm finished))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((= this means ooc, don't mix ooc with ic))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ??????????????

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((ugh..))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((between double brackets means ooc (out of character) don't mix ooc with ic (in character)

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((also known as ig and og))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *the infravision vision of him fades slowly*

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: Oh you dont no how very wrong you are !

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *tries to stand, but falls on his back, he feels drunk* goddamnit, that's a good sword

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((Okey, why does you're character yell that out?))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: *Holds Galin* What do you meen Unknown one ?

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((i'm confused; use names who's character?))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((My character is not saying anything!! OOC OOC))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: Galin what is he trying to say I dont understand !!!

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((I eamnt Fairy, her character yells out Oh you don't know how very wrong you are OOC OOC))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((when you say something to the person and not the character you must use ((and)) ))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((Out of character, My character is saying nothing, this is not my character,(( My character is not saying anything, he hasen't said anything))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: Fuck you two dont make no sense to me 

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ((oh I get it))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((Galin, Why did you let her in here, she dosen't have knowledge about what roleplay means))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((you do?))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ((yes))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((okey, lets rewind then to the part where the fireball hits me and the infravision of me fades))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ((I think I do is it when like when we had that little battle it was ic and now we are out of that thing we are ooc))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((in here, you roleplay that your someone else, like a rat. but if you have to tell somebody else something, and not his character you type it like this))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ((Ok Ok I understand now geesh !!))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((yup))

2005-03-27 [Summoner Candy]: ((Lets get back to it then))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((ok))


2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((c ya))

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((bye))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *leans against a wall, shakes his head*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: ((like, fricking nOOb, lol, lets continue))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: ((lol, she'll learn))

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *slowely walks toward the shadows*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *the smoke slowly clears, reveiling a smoking body lying on the floor*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *once he reached the shadows he looks at the body* looks like the poisons kicking in

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *walks toward the body*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *his clothes are burned and his body heavily burned, no life signals from him*

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *his face is in shock has he looking at the scorching heat wich arrived at him*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: *looks at the body* I'll let you live thiis time, 'cause your new to this horrorfilled world

2005-03-27 [Unknown one]: *he is clearly dead*

2005-03-27 [Deadlock jester]: crap *drags unknown one to the church* ((go there))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((Hiya People I see not much went on without me I was excpecting more from you two anyway oh well we can fix that with another battle and Unknown one I dont have a clue what a a NOOB is but whatever it is if its mean you take it back !!))

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: ((hiya, a nOOb is a newbie, and unknkown one is dead))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((Grrrrr thats rude !! oh I am so clever ))

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: ((you can abbuse his body and drag him out the church, that way he won't be able to reincarnate and he'll become a ghost for a while))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((No,No I no I am a Night Freak and even though I like to see pain and unhappiness that would be very wrong he is a good warrior and should be left))

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: ((that's what i taught))

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: ((Yes well done ratty boy lol))

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: ((rofl))*walks out of a house, his infected wound seems to have some maggots in it*hey

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *Pulls a face* thats sick !! Clean yourself up Galin I aint touching them !! even though I want to help you but you go wash or something !!

2005-03-28 [Deadlock jester]: very well, but i have to do something first*takes a relic from his bag of folding and walks towards the church*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *confused* I am coming with you *runs out the house after you*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *sits on a low down roof sulking* I am a monster.....

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *runs out of the church too, scans the area*

2005-03-28 [Summoner Candy]: *hangs head and tears fall down cheeks and clenches fists*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he walks slowly at you, his burnt boots making soft noise. His clothing reduced to rags*

2005-03-28 [Unknown one]: *he kneels beside you, looking at the distance*

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